Wells & Co
Wells & Co (formerly Charles Wells) is a name that has been synonymous with high quality brewing and great pubs since 1876.
Wells have over 140 years of brewing experience and has helped grow a small, family business in Bedford into one of the UK’s most respected pub companies and brewers. We take great pride in our heritage, still promoting the same values as our founder Charles Wells to this day, focusing on quality and innovation but keeping our guests at the heart of everything we do. Although the company continues to evolve, we still remain a family business with the Wells family firmly at the helm.
Run a pub with Wells & Co.
We pride ourselves on the individuality of our sites; each of our Pub Partners is different so each and every Wells pub you visit will offer a truly unique pub experience, whilst always finding a warm welcome and a great pint of beer!
We have also taken the great British pub experience across the channel and have an expanding pub estate in several French cities through Wells & Co. France.
Find out more about what we do at www.wellsandco.com
Now brewing at Brewpoint: www.brewpoint.co.uk